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Starts Monday November 18th 7.30- 9pm – €120 for 8 weeks.
Places are limited so please book early to secure your place.

Walk & Talk is a structured 8 week program focusing on educating ourselves and healing our unhealthy patterns around food and exercise. So many people struggle with this alone. It doesn’t have to be that way. Every week the group will form around a self explorative topic connecting us with our internal patterns, this will be discussed, then the group will walk while discussing these topics. The evening will end by bringing the new insights back into the group to be discussed over a cup of tea and aims/goals for the week ahead.

We live in a digital age. It has many advantages, but also disadvantages. The art of communication is becoming as lost as we are behind digital screens. We’ll engage in posts on social media, but who’s asking the question “how are you”? The outside picture we present to the world is often not the real picture of what’s happening inside for us. We can be connected with so many people, yet feel so emotionally isolated.

Walk and Talk is a structured program where we can switch our phones off for an hour and a half and get talking again with like minded people. There is so much external pressure placed on people to acquire the perfect image. It’s fed to us every day. But what about the internal self? How do we really view ourselves? How do we really relate with ourselves? How do we relate with others in this world? How and where did this all begin? How can I change this?

Kim Owens is our manager here at Alethea. She is highly skilled in her work but what most people don’t know about Kim is that she is also highly skilled in group facilitation and therapeutic modalities. She is a student of Glasserian Psychology and supports many people in restoring self belief and self awareness in looking at our personal issues behind unhealthy patterns around food and exercise. Kim is also trained in fitness and nutritional well-being.

Forming healthier pictures of ourselves in our internal world is something that Kim dedicates her life too. She’s walked this walk herself and her honest and real way of communicating with others allows you to see that you’re not alone. She is well loved and respected by all at Alethea for supporting others on this journey. So with that in mind, we’ve asked Kim to bring her skills to the table. Thus – Walk & Talk.

If your interested in more details, please don’t hesitate to contact us.